by Mion L., André T., Mailloux A., Sternberg M., Morales Muniz A., Rosello-Izquierdo E., Llorente L. Herrscher E.
Neodymium isotopes in modern human dental enamel: an exploratory dataset
by Plomp E.
Dataset of carbon (δ13Ccollagen) and nitrogen (δ15Ncollagen) values from Medieval Portugal: Islamic and Christian burials from Lisbon, Beja and Silves (9th-15th c. AD)
by Toso A., Schifano S., Oxborough C., McGrath K., Spindler L., Castro A., Evangelista L., Filipe V., Gonçalves M. J., Marques A., Mendes da Silva I., Santos R., Valente M. J., McCleery I., Alexander M.
Reconstructing Palaeodiet and Paleoclimate at Chalcolithic Inamgaon: Human tooth enamel carbon and oxygen stable isotope dataset
by Mahajan S., Sathe V., Rai N., Agrawal S., Chakraborty S.
Equine diet during protohistoric times in the Northeast of the Iberian Peninsula: stable isotope data (C, N) from bone collagen
by Grandal-d’Anglade A., Albizuri S., López-Cachero F. J.
Contribution to Longobard dietary studies: stable carbon and nitrogen isotope data from Castel Trosino (6th-8th CE, Ascoli Piceno, Central Italy)
by Bernardini S., Asrat Mogesie S., Micarelli I., Manzi G., Tafuri M. A.
Carbon and nitrogen stable isotopic data of premodern human skeletons from mainland Japan and Ryukyu Islands
by Tsutaya T., Yoneda M.
Stable and radiogenic isotope data from Brazilian bioarchaeological samples: a synthesis
by Borges C., Chanca I., Salesse K.
Isotopic data for bioarchaeological samples from Polynesia (pre-Contact and modern periods)
by Stantis C.
Human and Faunal Stable and Radiogenic Isotope Data from Four Bahraini and Three Jordanian Assemblages, c. 5300 BC to 1500 AD
by Huffer D.
Dataset of Oxygen (δ18Ocarbonate), Carbon (δ13Ccarbonate), and Strontium (87Sr/86Sr) values from the Imperial Roman site of Velia (ca. 1st to 2nd c. CE) in southern Italy
by Stark R. J., Emery M. V., Schwarcz H., Sperduti A., Bondioli L., Craig O. E., Prowse T. L.
Collagen Stable Isotope Data from East and Northeast Asia, c. 7000 BC – 1000 AD
by Cheung C.